Moving On!

Hey everyone, I am moving to a new blog, which will be much more active than this one. Here is the link:

I hope to see you there!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Farmer's Market

So every payday they hold a farmer's market here at school. I must say, it is the best things in the entire world!

Especially when you live in Hawaii and everything is expensive...

After putting away my bundles of grocery's, I realized that I more than likely am taking up about half of the space in our fridge in our dorm kitchen. Oops?

What can I say, I love to cook.

In fact, that's the whole reason as to why I'm behind on my homework and I have no money. All my time and money seems to be dedicated to food. I wish there was a way for me to do this all the time. Culinary school is just too expensive though.

Cooking is my passion though, and I will do it always.

I cook when I'm happy.
I cook when I'm sad.
I cook when I'm angry.
I cook when I'm depressed.
I cook when I'm feeling on top of the world.

So that results in me cooking all the time. Which I don't mind at all.

I wish I had more money to buy food to make whatever I want. That's not happening anytime soon though. I will be back on the mainland next month though, and I will be making all my own meals, and I'll have more money to spend, and I won't have to worry about school :)

I should probably sleep now. I have to get up early to make doughnuts for someone.

Yours till the cookie crumbles

1 comment:

  1. I was just going to tell you that Culinary School probably is the best for you before I read this post. This blog is awesome Dani. One thing I will always remember about you; cooking in hale 3 kitchen.:) I enjoy reading your blog Dani...! and I hope I can try your recipes one day when I'm done with school and have more money to buy the groceries. You're ready to be the next Julie and Julia!
