Moving On!

Hey everyone, I am moving to a new blog, which will be much more active than this one. Here is the link:

I hope to see you there!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Aloha Hawaii, it's about time for me to pack up and get off this island in the middle of no where.

I don't want to leave though, like people say, it's paradise.

I can't wait to actually cook for myself all the time though. Amazingness right there.

But its not as exciting when you are leaving your boy behind.

I'll miss him. Last night was never a moment I will never forget. Banana Bread and Cold Play. What a combination.

Magical things seriously do come out of cooking. Not just in food.

I can't wait to be at Disney to cook more. And to finally be able to update my blog a lot more often than I have been :)

Yours till the cookie crumbles.

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