Moving On!

Hey everyone, I am moving to a new blog, which will be much more active than this one. Here is the link:

I hope to see you there!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Disney World!

So I am now at Disney World!

Let me give you a couple basics really fast. I found out I am working at Victoria and Albert's at the Grand Floridian Resort and Spa. Apparently it's the most expensive place you can eat on Disney property. Over $100 a person. Yeah. I can only hope I get to eat the food there, nothing like getting a gourmet meal every night for free :D

Now onto the most important place.  The kitchen in my apartment. I have my own kitchen. Well I share it with 5 other girls, but that's better than sharing it with 200.

I went shopping at Wal-Mart. I feel like I was in a gold mine. I got so many groceries for sooooo cheap compared to Hawaii. I got bread for 88 cents a loaf. Milk for $2.50 a gallon. A pound of butter for just over $1. And vanilla extract for only $1.50. Oh there are so many other things to list that I got. I'm in heaven. There are no words to describe how much I miss all the cheap food.

Then again it's absolutely nothing compared to how much I miss my guy.

Okay back on topic. So what am  I eating these first couple days?

Just grilled cheese and cereal. The cheapest things I can think of right now because I have basically no money until I get paid.

Though one of the best deals for college students I would have to say are the hamburger helper/ banquet, they are usually by the pasta area. $3 for a box to feed 5 people. Or one really hungry person like how I usually am. Or make it and save some for later.  Which is what I am currently baking

The oven timer is calling my name!

Yours until the cookie crumbles.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Aloha Hawaii, it's about time for me to pack up and get off this island in the middle of no where.

I don't want to leave though, like people say, it's paradise.

I can't wait to actually cook for myself all the time though. Amazingness right there.

But its not as exciting when you are leaving your boy behind.

I'll miss him. Last night was never a moment I will never forget. Banana Bread and Cold Play. What a combination.

Magical things seriously do come out of cooking. Not just in food.

I can't wait to be at Disney to cook more. And to finally be able to update my blog a lot more often than I have been :)

Yours till the cookie crumbles.

Friday, April 9, 2010


So sorry for not having put up a new post in a while. It is finals week though, I currently have just 3 more hours left of this nonsense and I'll be free.

Well. And there's this guy. Who is pretty dang amazing. So he kind of has been taking up some of my time too :)

When I get to Disney, then there will be more posts, wayyy more :) Just another week before I'm home.

Though I don't want to leave him. He's waiting for me though :)

Yours till the cookie crumbles.